It’s About Having the Resources to Break the Chains of Poverty

According to the United Nations Development Program, 2.6 billion people depend directly on agriculture for their livelihoods. When climatic occurrences, like drought and flooding hinder the growth of crops, people are unable to sustain their income and feed their families.

This can often catalyze a displacement effect: When people can no longer rely on the land they live on, they are forced to leave. This transition can be a devastating one and leaves many living in displacement camps.

Poverty is a cycle, but it is breakable. Growth is a cycle too, and by creating sustainable livelihoods in impoverished communities, people can prosper for many years to come.

Islamic Relief’s Dedication to Livelihood

Through sustainable livelihood projects, our donors help people acquire the skills they need to develop a reliable means of earning income. Doing so subsequently helps boost local economies and create jobs. We’re envisioning a world where anyone who wants to can build their own livelihood. Working together with YOU, we can make that vision a reality for another family in need.

Here’s just a sampling of our recent livelihood efforts:

  • Improving agricultural productivity and availability of diversified food to vulnerable farming families that have been severely impacted by frequent flood and drought hazards in Malawi.
  • Providing individual financial support to low-income families in Pakistan to help them start businesses.
  • Distributing livestock to women in Albania, as well as providing veterinary consultations and training, so that they can start related businesses.

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