can provide a food pack with essentials for a family
can provide essential support services to vulnerable women suffering from domestic violence
Can provide a family with food, clothing, and hygiene kit
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Helping at Home 

1 in 5 South Africans Are Living in Extreme Poverty: UN Report

Since our founding in 2004, Islamic Relief has been providing humanitarian aid and assistance to poverty-stricken families affected by inequality, HIV, Aids, unemployment and poverty in South Africa. Our work is centred around providing holistic, sustainable solutions. We prioritise the needs of orphans and vulnerable children. In 2005, we launched our orphan’s sponsorship program to provide assistance to child-headed households, girl children and homes with infants and younger children.

Islamic Relief South Africa provides support to the household by offering skills training and development to guardians so that they can become self-sufficient. We also advocate this country’s most vulnerable people who are facing issues like food insecurity, poverty, and domestic violence.

In 2021, Islamic Relief South Africa helped over 206,000 people in South Africa through various projects,

Click these boxes and find out more about how Islamic Relief South Africa helps the most vulnerable at home

We believe that everyone has the right to shelter, food and a source of income. That’s why we’re working across the South Africa to support vulnerable individuals and communities in need and to transform lives.

Here at Islamic Relief, we’re partnered with a range of local community-based and larger national organisations to help support and empower disadvantaged individuals and communities across the country.

The Story of Mpho Lengabe

Mpho Lengabe is 58 years old,  Mpho is now able to feed her family with the vegetables she is growing in her Alternative Livelihoods growing system.
Mpho lives in KwaZulu Natal and shares her home with her husband, daughter and grandson. The family lives off a government grant and struggles to make ends meet.
Mpho’s grandson is part of the Islamic Relief orphan sponsorship programme and the family receives a monthly food hamper to help ease their plight.
She was trained to grow her own vegetables through the Alternative Livelihoods for Women programme funded by Islamic Relief South Africa.
“I now have a small business, selling the spinach allows me to buy bread for my family, without this project, my family would be going through hunger and shortage of food.”

Thank you

Thank you for giving hope and helping us on this journey. May Allah (SWT) continue to shower his mercy and blessings upon us all so that we can continue to assist more people in the coming years and ease the plight of the vulnerable. You can help by donating towards our Local Emergencies Fund which allows us to respond quickly and effectively to local disasters.

© Copyrights 2022 Islamic Relief SA. All rights reserved Charity Registration Number - 043-357-NPO